Why Visual Paths?
1: „Visualize hidden skills“
The VISUAL PATHS tools enable you to clearly visualize each step in your learning journey in a way that is trackable and easily shared with e.g. a teacher or a potential employer. You can use it for any topic: if you want to learn algebra, make a successful phone call or learn how to manage your time, VISUAL PATHS can support you.
2: „Increase digital competence“
The online tools help you to build your digital competence through engagement with bespoke learning environments and resources.
3: „Further your education“
The VISUAL PATHS kit does not only support your own or your students learning journey but offers a range of ready-to-use learning materials for both teachers and students.
4: „Fun and free“
The VISUAL PATH materials is a project that is supported by the European Union. All materials are free of charge and can be used unlimitedly. They are easy to use, adaptive and are a fun new way to learn.