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Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen
The carinthian folk high schools were founded in 1946 as a non-profit organization with the headquarter in Klagenfurt. The activities are very diverse but can be divided into two main areas : the first one is the VHS -classic with its traditional course program and various regional cooperation and the second one is the VHS- projects with a focus on basic education, labor market integration, health and internationalization. The Carinthian folk high schools are closely linked with the Chamber of Labour in Carinthia and it our mission to facilitate and promote the professional and personal development of the participants and their active participation access to lifelong learning . Our mission is committed to openness, innovation and professionalism, diversity, tolerance, voluntarism, social responsibility and an emancipatory educational approach. Every year there are around 2,500 courses, lectures, seminars and workshops in many different areas with more than 23,000 participants. The areas covered are culture and society, business and administration, computer technology, languages, creativity and leisure, health and exercise, nature and the environment. In addition, training courses, excursions, study trips and training courses will be organized for staff and trainers.